Yesterday, RD 960/2020 of 3 November, was published in the BOE, regulating the economic regime of renewable energies for electricity production facilities. This economic regime will make it possible to receive a fixed price for the energy generated and will be granted through auctions.
RD 960/2020 implements the regulatory development of the economic regime introduced by Article 2 of Royal Decree Law 23/2020, which modifies Article 7.bis of Law 24/2013 on the Electricity Sector. As anticipated by the RD-Law, this economic regime will be based on the long-term recognition of a price for energy and will be granted through competitive tendering procedures, i.e. auctions.
RD 960/2020 establishes the general framework for the auctions, which will be regulated more specifically by Ministerial Order and called by Resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy (hereinafter, SEE). Thus, the order will regulate the technologies to be auctioned, the conditions and guarantees, the product to be auctioned and the other elements of the Economic Regime for Renewable Energies (hereinafter REER).
Once the RD has been approved, it is the aim of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge to publish the order allowing an auction to be held before the end of 2020. Likewise, the calendar for the auctions in the coming years will also be approved by order. This will include a minimum period of five years and will include deadlines, frequency, expected capacity and expected technologies.
The aim of this note is to analyse the main elements of RD 960/2020, which coincide with those of the draft RD submitted for public consultation, since there have been no substantial changes.
You can find attached a summary press note including the main elements of RD 960/2020, which coincide with those of the draft RD submitted for public consultation, since the latter has undergone few changes.
This translation was produced by a machine, no liability is accepted for errors or mistakes.